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ADVICE TO SANNYASIN'S LIFE ---Swami Subodhananda

Swami Subodhananda
Swami Subodhananda
ADVICE TO SANNYASIN'S LIFE ---Swami Subodhananda Sannyasa is the renunciation of all selfish motives and desires. 
Before I explain what Sannyasa is, 
I should speak to you about Brahmacharya; for unless the latter is realized, 
no sannyasa or renunciation is possible. 

The observance of Brahmacharya requires strict regulation of one's diet,
 habits, and thoughts. 
Of all the injunctions prescribed for this stage, 
the greatest stress is laid by the sastras upon the complete master of the sexual instinct. 
Nothing should be sensed or done by the aspirant which might directly or otherwise tend to arouse the animal in him or her.
 In this way, 
one is directed to bring one's mind under full control. 
He who is not a slave to his senses and mind, 
but on the contrary,
 has made them his slaves, 
is a true Brahmachari.
 All the religions of the world preach this Brahmacharya and Sannyasa,
 both of which have one and the same end in view,
 namely to lift the mind up from all sensual concerns towards God.

 When the mind reaches God it enjoys divine bliss.
 A true Sannyasin looks upon a saint and a sinner in the same light, 
for he finds the same God in both of them, 
only in different garbs ---(PB-11--1898-3/4)

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